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Severity Index
Respect for human rights
In Cartotecnica Postumia:
Health and Safety (GRI 403)
2020 2021 2022
265,03 802,46 526,21
Scope: Cartotecnica Postumia S.p.A. Source: QAS, RSPP
 Frequency Index
   ▶ we are committed to respecting and being transparent with the parties concerned, both internal and external, regarding our commitment not to use of child labour and to promote all actions aimed at developing a culture of protection of young people at work;
▶ we do not use forced labour as a source of income and manpower, instead we abolish the use of forced or compulsory labour, in any form;
▶ we guarantee a safe and healthy working environment and adopt effective measures to prevent potential accidents, injuries or illnesses that may occur as a result of, in relation to, or during the performance of work;
▶ all staff have the right to form, participate in, and organize trade unions of their choice, and to bargain collectively with the company. We respect this right and effectively inform staff, upon hiring, of the fact that they can freely join any workers’ organization of their choice, without this leading to any negative consequences or retaliation;
▶ we do not use or support any form of discrimination
in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement, based on race, national, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, political opinions, age, or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination;
▶ we treat all our people with dignity and respect, we do not use and do not tolerate the use of corporal punishment, verbal abuse, physical or mental coercion.
▶ we respect the provisions of the Constitution of the Italian Republic, the Workers’ Statute and the relevant CCNL (National Collective Labour Agreement), in relation to compliance with the scheduled working hours, rest periods and public, civil and religious holidays;
▶ in compliance with the provisions of current legislation and the CCNL (National Collective Labor Agreement),
we guarantee, in relation to the characteristics of the remuneration, compliance with the legal minimum wages, and we ensure that the salary is adequate to satisfy the essential needs of the collaborators.
In February 2022 we received an ethics audit from Elevate. We passed the audit with the highest score (100/100).
 32 Sustainability Report 2022

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