Change constitutes one of the founding values of Cartotecnica Postumia. Indeed, in 2015 we embarked on a great challenge, with the ambition of redefining the boundaries of our sector. It is the so called Lean Thinking approach.
Modern and technologically advanced systems and machines are not enough to enact innovation. Our goal was to create increasing value for our customers, and in doing so we encountered the Lean thought. Such an important change is firstly a cultural one, and as such, it involves all people at all company levels.
To change the behaviour of people, who revolutionize processes by bringing results and always aiming for continuous improvement.
Lean also means eliminating waste. It is no longer a time for orders in large numbers. Today our mottos is to provide only what is needed, only when it is needed.
Lean manufacturing is based on cellular manufacturing so that lean production cuts down machine changeover times, going beyond the concept of production batches, and breaking the many sector constraints based on large-scale production.
It means providing more and more personalized packaging, with designs that can change alongside corporate communication, because they are no longer bound by large quantities.
It also means shifting the focus from our product to the needs of our customers, to sell their value, rather than just the packaging, at the best possible price.